Self-paced Learning Courses For Teachers.

Fun with Phonics in Early Years

Learn what is Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) Know the benefits of SSP Developing phonemic awareness and pre-reading skills Blending sounds together: CVC and CCVC Segmenting words by sounds Learn the consonant and vowel diagraphs Phonics involving alternative vowel sounds Learning the R-controlled vowels and diphthongs Spelling rules for independent reading and writing

Structured and systematic methodology of mastering the alphabetic code for raising early readers. This Teacher Training Workshop is an intensive programme that provides optimum coverage to theory and practical teaching of International Synthetic Phonics techniques. The entire course is based on systematic, structured and multi-sensory approach to teach Phonics in an easily adaptable fun filled manner. The workshop covers topics that are essential for every Pre-Primary Teacher.

This multi-sensory approach of synthetic phonics can be introduced to run simultaneously along with the curriculum as well since it only takes up 17 minutes for practice in a day. Since this is a systematic and structured methodology of teaching and can be roped up without disturbing the existing curriculum it proves to be helpful as we are consciously trying to teach children to read and also get the diction of children globally acceptable irrespective of their mother tongue influence. It is a progressive curriculum and hence it also exposes children with various alternatives which helps them read and comprehend better.

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    • 2.5 hours
    • 32 Videos
    • 26 Handouts
    • 1 Assessment
    • 456 Subscribers
    • Assured Certification