Self-paced Learning Courses For Teachers.

Effective Classroom Management and Behaviour

Classroom management refers to a wide variety of skills and techniques used by teachers to facilitate optimal conditions for learning. Classroom management involves preventing and intervening in disruptive behavior. But it’s also about creating the right environment, setting clear expectations, and thoughtfully choosing learning materials and activities.

Imagine your ideal classroom. Is it a positive place where students come together to enjoy the learning process and the teacher is confident, compassionate and sets the tone for the entire classroom? Well, it could be challenging to create a Classroom environment like that.

Course Content

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MODULE 1: Introduction
MODULE 2 : Aspects of a Well Managed Classroom
MODULE 3: Engaging Teaching Strategies
MODULE 4: Teacher-Student Connect
MODULE 5: Rules, Routines & Procedures
MODULE 6 : Challenging Classroom Scenarios
MODULE 7: How to handle bright students
MODULE 8: How to handle Non-Responsive Classroom
MODULE 9: Managing Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom
MODULE 10: Teach & Introspect
MODULE 11: Manage the classroom better
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About Instructor

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    • 3 hours
    • 22 Videos
    • 6 Handouts
    • 1 Assessment
    • 276 Subscribers
    • Assured Certification